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Sunday 12 October 2014

Newest Art piece...

Inspired by my previous piece, I focused more on a lone eye and created this... I hope you like it... :)

My Latest Painting Journey...

These are the pictures documenting my recent A3 painting journey... It started of as a pencil drawing where I vented the way I felt at the time onto a blank page but I felt colour would portray it better so I used a mixture of mediums including Faber Castell artist pitt brush pens (indian ink) and watercolour paints to pour more emotion into it... I particularly liked the eye on it's own surrounded by pencil lines earlier on in the process because it really stood out of the page (almost a 3D effect) so I have started work on another piece branching out from this..

Saturday 4 October 2014

Loui Jover Inspired Pieces

 These are some of my responses to artist Loui Jover, he used pages of vintage books as backgrounds but I have used newspaper as I didn't have the heart to tear up books... I have used inks like him but have also added in some water colours.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Kerry Ellis Portrait Drawing


At long last, I have done a sketch of my idol Kerry Ellis :D I hope you like it, I was a bit out of practice but I finally got her AMAZING new album which inspired me :')

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Wednesday 13 August 2014

My latest art work...

Here is a selection of my most recent art work which has been part of my preparation for university... All accept from the landscapes are life drawing/painting... I have a growing fondness for the use of watercolour paints as they are great for toning and incorporating light and shade to enhance a 3D appearance, for example, the blue and green glass wear I have painted.

Saturday 9 August 2014


This is just a quick interpretation drawing of Medusa I did as a response in 3D Design.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

My Latest Photography

 These are my favourite images from my latest photography pieces taken in Morden Hall Park, you can see more on my flickr...