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Sunday 27 July 2014

Elphaba's Act 2 Dress, Wicked

Elphaba's act II dress in Wicked is my favourite theatrical costume. Designed by Susan Hilferty, I believe that the incredible detail and depth this dress possesses, truly makes it one of the most beautiful and meaningful costumes in the theatre. The dress fits Elphaba's character in act II perfectly as the story gets darker and her character becomes more complex like the detailing in the garment... As she matures throughout the show we see her grow into her 'witchy' style and this costume is the pinnacle of it, especially when complete with the hat, cape and broomstick. The darker, earthy colour/textures, in comparison to Glinda's bright and floaty dresses shows how grounded and "connected to the earth" Elphaba is - "green for good" being a phrase. 

The fabric for the bodice of this dress is not just simply one fabric, but around 20 different fabrics quilted together (no bigger than 3 inches a piece), 40 yards of fabric is needed to create the ruffles in the skirt of the dress and it takes 1 person 2 weeks to sew the entire piece together! Crazy! It is also said that this particular costume weighs around 40 lbs with a value of between $10,000 - $20,000!

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Latest Photographs

Some of my latest work... more can be found here
The pictures shown on this blog, I just took in and around the school grounds...this did involve climbing through some bushes during a 3D Design lesson :D

Sunday 20 July 2014


All of my recent photography posted can be found on here... :)

St Martins, Isles of Scilly Photographs

 These are a few photos I took on the island of St Martins, Isles of Scilly a few years ago, I found the environment very inspiring and hope to take some more photos there later this year. Out of these photos, I find the seaweed-shell-face quite entertaining, but I mainly like the ones of the small boats on the beach. :) Also, the blue of the sea is something that stands out to me! :D

Tresco, Isles of Scilly Photographs

These are some of my favourite photos I took in the Tresco Abbey Gardens, Isles of Scilly a few years ago. Again, the bold, saturated colours of the flowers/plants attracted me, but also the unique shapes of natural froms, i.e. the tree with star-shaped layers...My favourite photo here is the Greek bust statue which is somewhat illuminated and has a sense of importance and wisdom.

Kew Gardens Photographs

These are some of my favourite photos that I took at Que Gardens a few years ago, I love the bright, saturated colours of the flowers/plants, but my favourite image is the one of the duck posing on a rock in the water! :)

Saturday 19 July 2014

Maleficent (Angelina Jolie) Pencil Drawing

This is the sketch of Angelina Jolie as Maleficent I've been working on, Maleficent is a brilliant character, and Angelina Jolie is perfect to draw (helloooo cheekbone shading!). I did contemplate inking her eyes and lips in full colour, but I wasn't sure... maybe I will do this at a later date, but for now, here it is! :D

Loui Jover Inspired Photography

 These are some edited photos I have created in response to Loui Jover's ink drawings :)

Friday 18 July 2014

More Improvised Henna


Here is another random henna doodle I did for a friend... Henna is seeming to be quite a popular thing this summer, especially in college... It does look really pretty though, and without the burden of an actual tattoo :S

Thursday 17 July 2014

Spontaneous Henna

 My henna posts seemed to be pretty popular, so here's some more freehand henna artwork I improvised...The design just built up gradually to the final spontaneous outcome on my leg...just having a bit of a doodle really... :)